is a click away.

Start a conversation with a trusted and reliable contractor.

Sarah Long

Cadiz Home Solutions

Need a new bathroom? We remodel everything from showers to floors, making your bathroom look great.

Josh Worthley

Next Level Homes, LLC.

Class A contractor specializing in residential construction, remodeling, accessory structures, and outdoor living areas. We are licensed and insured and offer free estimates to all of our clients.

Chris Evans

Hill Country Pools

We install pools that are perfect for your backyard. Dive in and enjoy the summer!

Steve Roberts

Eastern Plains Painting

We paint your home inside and out, making it look fresh and clean. Fast, friendly service you’ll love.

Why homeowners are using Contractor’s Escrow


Peace of mind the first time

Using our platform gives you peace of mind that the job will be finished or that you will have the funds to continue should the original contractor abandon the job.

A Homeowner’s Nightmare


No work was done and I lost half my money.

I started a project and hired a contractor, he asked for half of the money up front and I agreed. I didn’t think I was over-extended. Then he stopped taking my calls, no work was done and I lost half my money. It will be a year or two before I can start again.”

Prevent this from happening with Contractor’s Escrow